Abstract objects (AbOb)

The “Abstract Object” historical object groups together the non-material products of the human mind that have become subjects of study. For example, the telescope as a concept and a class of material object is an abstract object while a specific telescope kept at a specific museum is treated as a material object.

Accordingly, abstract objects can be used as classes for other objects: material objects, collective actors, etc. Since the purpose of this operation is an objective classification of material objects, the grouping of objects must adopt a collective, objective approach, while theme-based classification linked to a specific piece of research uses personal notes. For example, the abstract object "académie des sciences" will be used to classify (= group together) different specific collective actors: Académie des sciences de Paris, Royal Society, etc.

In addition to this generic dimension (an AbOb = a concept), an abstract object can have an individual character and can identify a specific abstract object such as a law, a system of identifiers, or a software package. Due to their abstract and symbolic dimension, these objects cannot be identified as collective actors (CoAc), digital objects (DiOb), or material objects (MaOb). So there are individualised abstract objects. Examples include the laws of nature, philosophical principles, and so on attributed to an author such as Kepler’s laws, and civil laws as symbolic systems such as the separation of church and state or the law on the liberties and responsibilities of universities (known in France as the LRU. or Pécresse Law).

List of abstract objects

Displaying 1921 - 1930 of 2171
