The “Actor” historical object groups together all individual material entities likely to take action, either in reality or as part of a narrative. It is therefore not only confined to humans but also includes divinities, mythological figures, specific animals, etc.
Key | Name | Year of birth | Year of death | Number of informations |
Actr1 | Accarisi, Jacopo | 1599 | 1653 | 0 |
Actr41010 | Accary, Jean Marie Francisque | 1865 | 0 | |
Actr48881 | Accati, Antonio - da Rivoli | 1540 | 1 | |
Actr47592 | Accetti, Girolamo Alberto - d’Orzinuovi | 1548 | 1590 | 4 |
Actr47425 | Accetto, Torquato | 1600 | 0 | |
Actr46940 | Acciaiuoli, Nicolò | 1630 | 1719 | 4 |
Actr47100 | Accolti, Benedetto | 1565 | 1 | |
Actr47085 | Accolti, Benedetto | 1497 | 1549 | 5 |
Actr52458 | Accolti, Pietro | 1578 | 1642 | 0 |
Actr58617 | Accolti, Pietro | 1455 | 1532 | 0 |