The “Actor” historical object groups together all individual material entities likely to take action, either in reality or as part of a narrative. It is therefore not only confined to humans but also includes divinities, mythological figures, specific animals, etc.
Key | Name | Year of birth | Year of death | Number of informations |
Actr43694 | Callimaque de Cyrène | -305 | -240 | 0 |
Actr58588 | Archimède | -287 | -212 | 0 |
Actr27008 | Apollonius de Perga | -262 | -190 | 0 |
Actr43262 | Térence | -190 | -159 | 0 |
Actr3913 | Cicero, Marcus Tullius | -106 | -43 | 0 |
Actr43612 | Artémidore d'Ephèse | -100 | 0 | |
Actr43724 | Nepos, Cornelius | -100 | -25 | 0 |
Actr567 | Lucrèce | -97 | -55 | 0 |
Actr43619 | Vitruve | -90 | -20 | 0 |
Actr43703 | Catulle | -87 | -54 | 0 |