Bibliographic records

Key Recomposed referencesort ascending Year Number of informations
Bibl8714 Werdet, Edmond, De la librairie française. Son passé - son présent - son avenir avec des notices biographiques sur les libraires-éditeurs les plus distingués depuis 1789 (Paris, E. Dentu, 1860) 1860 1
Bibl2473 Wels, Henrik, "Die Unsterblichkeit der Seele und der epistemologische Status der Psychologie im Aristotelismus des 16. Jahrhunderts", in: Der Aristotelismus in der frühen Neuzeit, Kontinuität oder Wiederaneignung ?, Frank, Günter; Speer, Andreas (éds), Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2007 (2007), 191-214 2007 0
Bibl2651 Wels, Henrik, Die "Disputatio de anima rationali secundum substantiam" des Nicolaus Baldelli S.J. nach dem Pariser Codex B.N. lat. 16627 (Amsterdam , B. R. Grüner Publishing Co., 2000) 2000 0
Bibl2957 Wells, Norman J., "Suárez and a Salamancan Thomist: A Tale of a Text", in: Hispanic Philosophy in the Age of Discovery, White, Kevin, Washington, D.C. , ed. The Catholic University of America Press, 1997 (1997), 201-225 1997 0
Bibl2768 Wells, Norman J., "John Poinsot on Created Eternal Truths vs. Vázquez, Suárez and Descartes", American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 68(1994)3, 425-466 1994 0
Bibl8020 Well-known raw silk producers and their trade marks, Empire of Japan : Compiled for Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 1904 (Tokio, The Japan Sericultural Association, 1904) 1904 0
Bibl1199 Welch, Claude, "The Perils of Trying to Tell the Whole Story: Historiographical Issues in the Study of Nineteenth-Century Theology", in: Revisioning the Past. Prospects in Historical Theology, ed. Engel, Mary Potter / Wyman, Walter E. jr (Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1992), 149-169 1992 0
Bibl1400 Weitlauff, Manfred, "Zur Entstehung des "Denzinger". Der Germaniker Dr. Heinrich Joseph Dominikus Denzinger (1819-1883) in den ersten Jahren seines akademischen Wirkens an der Universität Würzburg", Historisches Jahrbuch der Görres-Gesellschaft 96(1976), 312-371 1976 0
Bibl1198 Weithman, Paul J., "Augustine and Aquinas on original sin and the function of political authority", Journal of the history of philosophy 30(1992)3, 353-376 1992 0
Bibl1526 Weisz, George, The Emergence of Modern Universities in France 1863-1914 (Princeton (New Jersey), Princeton University Press, 1983) 1983 0
